Commander Quill Award

So I got a notification that I have been tagged for Liebster award(again) and Commander Quill Award by my fellow blogger Rudra Makwana @Tinte. Having done so many takes at Liebster Award in this past month, I decided to let it go and proceed to this new award. Thank you so much Rudra for the tag! Much appreciated.

Quill Award is created to inspire reading while promoting literacy and patriotism.



Rules for Commander Quill Award:

1. Create a new post thanking the person who nominated you, link their blog. 

2. List the rules of the award. 

3. Post a photo of your National flag and anthem. 

4. Leave a favorite quote.

5. Nominate a few Loyal bloggers. 


My favorite quote-

“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.”

-Cormac McCarthy

So since this is a very interesting award here are a few I’d like to nominate.



Mel Gutier

Megha’s World







In case any of these is an award free blog, I sincerely apologize.

I would love to see you all do this.

Thanx again Rudra for the nomination. Loved it!

Have a nice day. 🙂

20 thoughts on “Commander Quill Award

    1. Here’s the english translation for you Nel. 🙂

      You, the ruler of our minds, our nation
      To you our humble salutations!
      You, the custodian of so many!
      You, the guardian of India’s destiny!
      Through Punjab and Sindh, Gujarat and Maratha
      Dravida, Utkala and Bengal
      Across lofty crests and mellow leas of the Vindhyas and the Himalayas
      Your name awakens one and all!
      It rests upon the melodies of the Yamuna and Ganga in harmony
      And swells the waves of the titanic sea!
      Your blessings we seek, your praises replicate you
      As the Protector of India’s fate!
      Victory! Victory! Victory!
      Victory forever to you!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. My pleasure. I will be browsing more of your blog this week. We have it seems a couple of mutual interests, including fashion and style. Nice to met you Silas. I’m Dominique.

        Liked by 1 person

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